Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Was Texas Chainsaw Massacre really based on a true story?
The movie was released in 1974. It was, at that time, the most popular horror movie of all time. It is also one of the biggest urban legends of of all time as well.
The Producers of the movie decided to release it as a "true story" . However, there never was a guy named, Leather Face.
However, it was inspired by a real psycho killer named: Eddie Gein.
Eddie Gein was from Wisconsin, not Texas.
He was a very nice and easy going person, according to his neighbors. They never suspected that he was a psycho killer.
Over several years, he killed several people. But, he never used a chainsaw. He usually used a gun.
Not only did he kill people, but, he was suspected of being a cannibal, Grace robber and a Necrophiliac (someone who has sex with dead people).
Gein was suspected of committing several murders, including his own Brother!
After several years, several murders and several missing persons cases, neighbors were suspicious of Gein. They heard strange noises, seen strange things and strange smells were coming from the Gein farmhouse. Rumors were going around town about him and people even called the police and reported him.
Over the years, the police tried but couldn't get enough evidence to get an arrest warrant or a search warrant.
But, eventually, a police officer's mother came up missing. Then there were a few other murders around town. The police finally got enough evidence to secure a search warrant.
They searched the main area of the house and didn't find anything. But, they could smell a strong odor.
They went to the back room in the house and the offices were horrified by what they saw.
They found a large, bloody meat hook hanging from the cealing, a bunch of dead animals laying around on the ground, human body parts, a mask made from human skin, knives and and other horrifying things. The one thing they didn't find was a chainsaw used as a murder weapon.
Remember the police officer I mentioned above whose mom came up missing? They found her dead body in the house!
When the police arrested him, they took him to the police station and locked him in a room with that police officer for about Five minutes. All other officers turned their backs and pretended they didn't hear anything. That officer beat the hell out of him! When they went to court, they just made up an excuse to tell the Judge. Someone else attacked him before we ever arrested him, he fell down the stairs or something. The Judge acted like he believed the story.
In the end, Gein was was committed to a mental health institute for the rest of his life. He died of Lung Cancer in 1984 at the age of 77.
After Fein was arrested, his house mysteriously caught on fire. It was suspected arson. But, when the fire Department was called, they were in no hurry to get there. They just let the house burn.
Gein was abused by his Dad. But his Dad died before Gein started killing people.
The creator of the movie was in Sears, Christmas shopping one day and he was looking at chainsaws. He noticed that all the checkout lines were full and the lines were really long.
He thought, "I'd like to take this chainsaw and cut everybody up so I can just get to the front of the line and get out of here!"
Then he thought, "Wait a minute! I am going to make a movie about a guy who cuts people up with a chainsaw!"
When a movie is: "Based on a true story, they take a true story and actually use the real facts to write a story around everything that actually happened.
However, if it was: Inspired by a true story, that means they got the idea of what to write about from true events. Nothing in the movie has to be true at all.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre was INSPIRED by the true story of Eddie Gein, not based on the true story.
Other movies that were INSPIRED by Eddie Gein include: Psycho and Silence of the Lamb.

The Drake Equation:

The Drake Equation was created in 1961, by Frank Drake.
(N=R* × f p × n e × f l × f i × f c × L).
This was his attempt to estimate the number of other intelligent life forms in the Universe.
His original reason for creating this equation was not only to figure out how many other planets have life, but, also to promote Scientific discussion about extraterrestrial life in the Cosmos.
N= The number of intelligent life forms in the Milky Way Galaxy with advanced technology, who would be able to communicate with us.
(For example, they would have a radio telescope which can send and receive messages to and from other planets far away.)
R= The rate at which new stars form in our Galaxy.
Fp= The fraction of stars with planets.
Ne= Number of planets in each solar system with an environment that could support life.
Fe= Fraction of planets that could support life on which life actually appears.
Fi= The fraction of life-bearing planets that actually have intelligent life.
Fc= The fraction of civilizations that release detectable signs of their existence into space.
L= Length of time such civilizations have been releasing detectable signals into space.
This equation is only a "guesstimate" (Combination of a guess and an estimate) of how many planets in ONLY THE MILKY WAY GALAXY would possibly have intelligent life with whom we could possibly communicate.
The Milky Way is the name of the galaxy in which we live.
Each Scientist that has used this equation has used different numbers. It is just each person's individual guesstimate of how many planets in our galaxy might have intelligent life.
By using different numbers, each Scientist has come up with different answers. Some Scientists have estimated: 1,000 planets. But the most common answers have been around 2 or 3. With Earth being one of them.
Anyway, you take the number that you come up with for the amount of planets in the Milky Way and guess that more than likely, most other galaxies that support life will have approximately the same number of planets with intelligent life. 
There are over 1 Trillion galaxies that Scientists have observed in the Universe. However, that to is a guesstimate. Because nobody can count to 1 Trillion.
I would guess that about half of all galaxies don't have any life at all. That leaves 500 Billion galaxies that might have life. Of those, only half of them will have a planet or Two with intelligent life. Leaving us with 250 Billion galaxies. Then, only half of those will be sending detectable signals into space. That is 125 Billion. 
Galaxies only contain a small amount of everything that is in the Universe, around One percent (1%)! Everything else is just in open space. This fact was not taken into consideration in the equation. So, there could be Octillions of more planets in open space that are not in a galaxy.
With my figures, each galaxy with intelligent life would have Two planets with life forms who are trying to communicate with us or aliens on other planets. My guess would be about:
125 Billion galaxies times Two planets in each with intelligent life, which equals 
250 Billion. Plus all the planets with intelligent life in open space:
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,(Octillion) more planets!
However, we will never know for certain how many other alien life forms are out there.
Radio signals travel at the speed of light: 186,282 Miles per Second. 5.878 Trillion Miles/year.
The nearest star is "Proxima Centauri" is about 4.2 light years away. It is part of the Alpha Centauri star system.
Most other stars are hundreds, thousands or even Millions or Billions of light years away.
Scientists on Earth have been sending signals to other stars and other galaxies for about 60 years as of this writing (August, 2019). That means our signals have only traveled a maximum of 60 light years. They have gone way past Alpha Centauri. But, all radio signals from Earth will take over 2,537,497 Million years to get to our nearest, large galaxy, the Andromeda Galaxy! 
More than likely, no intelligent, alien life forms will ever receive our radio signals in your lifetime. 
If a signal from Earth takes 1,000 years to get to a planet and someone can interpret it, figure out where it came from and send a signal back in the exact same direction that it came from, their signal will take 1,000 years to get back to Earth.
They can only receive, read the signal and send a signal back IF they have a Radio Telescope or something similar.

Why is Michigan called: The Wolverine State?


Wolverines are not native to the state of Michigan. Wolverines do, however, live in Canada, Alaska and other really cold places. But, not MI. The few that live in MI are either in a zoo, owned illegally by people as pets or escaped from peoples houses who had them as illegal pets, etc. The ones in MI and all other Northern states were either brought there by people or they walked over the Canadian boarder by themselves.
The real reason for the nickname comes from the: Toledo War between Michigan and Ohio in 1835.
The city of Toledo is in Ohio, but, it is right on the edge of Michigan.
In 1835, the government of Michigan said, "I don't think that city officially belongs to Ohio. We need to claim it as part of our state!"
Wolverines have a reputation for being extremely aggressive animals. They will often attack other animals that are just minding their own business and not trying to harm anything. The Wolverine will attack the other animal for seemingly no good reason at all.
The state of Ohio was just minding their own business and not posing a threat to anybody. One day, the government in Michigan told the state Militia to attack Ohio.
It was quite a surprise when the Michigan Militia invaded Toledo and said, "We, the people of Michigan are taking the city over! The city belongs to us now!"
In 1936, President Jackson put an end to the war. He decided that since Ohio was already a state and Michigan wasn't and since he wanted Ohio's electoral votes in the upcoming election, he would let Ohio keep the city. In exchange, Michigan became an official state. The state also was given about Two Thirds of the Upper Peninsula. It sounded like a bad deal at the time, because nobody wanted the Upper Peninsula. But, it has a lot of: Copper, Iron and Timber. So the state took advantage of that.
After the war, some people in Ohio said, "The state of Michigan has the mentally and temperament of a Wolverine! MI should be known as: The Wolverine State!"
The name Wolverine State stuck. Michigan has had that name ever since.
Eventually, The University of Michigan adopted the name: "Michigan Wolverines".
That's how MI got that name.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Guns are not the problem. Humans are the problem.

We lose a lot of people everyday to accidents around the home, suicide, the Flu, Pneumonia, AIDS, Hepatitis, Cancer,
Animal attacks, malnutrition, etc.
More people are killed everyday by: Knives, forks, broken glass bottles, rocks, baseball bats and similar things than by guns.
Drunk driving and even worse yet, texting and driving are very dangerous and they both kill more people than guns every day. Why aren't people complaining about rocks, baseball bats and texting while driving as much as they complain about guns? Those things pose a much bigger problem!

Also, video games don't kill people. Violent movies don't kill people either. They also don't encourage people to kill people. Psychotic people are responsible for their own actions.
There is no such thing as an "Assault Rifle". The term doesn't make sense.
Assault is a threat.
Battery is an act.
If you tell someone you are going to punch or shoot them, that is assault. Also, if you shake your fist at someone or point a gun at them, even if the gun only holds one bullet or a realistic looking toy gun, it is still legally considered: Assault!
If you carry out the threat and either punch or shoot someone, that is legally considered: Battery.
You can shoot the same amount of people with a pump action shotgun as you can with a semi automatic AK-47.
Guns are not the problem! The problems are the people who own the guns. Or people who have mental problems and shouldn't have a gun, but, they steal one.
Another big problem is bullies, kids that have bad parents and bad Teachers. Or even grown adults that have problems with other people. It's been proven time and time again that kids under 18 are not always the problem. Half the time it's adults committing crimes!
Hitler, Manson, Hussein, Bin Laden, Capone, Bonnie and Clyde and Bundy just to name a few.
A lot of shootings are gang related.
Most murders are not planned out. They are committed in the heat of the moment. Two people arguing, one gets mad enough at the other person, he grabs a pool stick, hits the other person then stabs him in the head with a pencil! (This is Second Degree Murder, not First Degree Murder.)
Most murders are drug and alcohol related.
You cannot take away people's right to own guns or drink alcohol. Those are both protected by the Constitution.
The 2nd Amendment gives people the right to own a gun.
21st Amendment gives people the right to drink alcohol.
Changing the laws on guns, banning certain types of guns, taking peoples guns away and all that is not solving the problem! Every time someone gets shot, people complain and tell the government to ban more types of guns and pass more gun laws. Then people go out in the street and protest against guns. PEOPLE NEED TO LEARN: NONE OF THAT WORKS TO STOP PEOPLE FROM SHOOTING OTHER PEOPLE!
A gun is just a tool. It takes a person to fire a gun. If you set a wrench on the hood of a car, it will not get up on its own and fix the car. Same concept with a gun.
 I was in the Army and I've been to Iraq and I've never seen a gun get up on its own and shoot someone! That's physically impossible!
My point is: Guns are not the problem at all! Humans are the problem!