Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Some Scientists think it,s impossible for life to exist anywhere else in the Cosmos. I disagree.


I disagree. This is why:

There's more than 

1 TRILLION galaxies in the known Universe. That is according to a guesstimate by Scientists.

Only One percent of everything in the Universe is in galaxies. Everything else is just in open space.

The Milky Way Galaxy, in which we live, is only about 100,000 light years wide. It's not very big compared to a lot of others. We have approximately 200 Billion stars in our galaxy alone. Most stars have at least One planet around them. 

Using the "Drake Equation" each Scientist uses their own guess of numbers of how many planets may be in our galaxy, how many may have life, how many of the planets with life have intelligent life, etc.

Most Scientists say there's probably between 2 to 100 planets with life in the Milky Way Galaxy. Most Scientists say between 2-4 planets. My own guess is 2 or 3. Earth is one of them that I include in my guess. So, I guess 1 or 2 other planets have life in our galaxy. 

We will never know, for sure, all we can do is guess.

Now, take your guess of whatever you come up with, in my case, 3 and multiply it by 1 Trillion galaxies. Three Trillion planets with life in galaxies.

Now, remember that 99% of everything is in open space, not in galaxies. Add any number you want to that for planets in open space that may have life.

I will add another 

1 Quintillion planets in open space with life.


Most of those planets won't have intelligent life. They might have microscopic, single cell bacteria that live in an environment of Methane, Ammonia and other gasses that are poisonous to humans and the planet might be -500° below Zero F! But, it is still life.

There's probably only 5 percent or less of those planets with life that have intelligent life and have radio telescopes that can send and receive signals and can communicate with us.

The closest star to Earth, besides the Sun, is: Proxima Centauri. It's about 4.2 light years away. Most other stars are Thousands or Millions of light years away! One light year equals 5.878 Trillion miles.

If the nearest star with a planet that has intelligent life listening to our radio signals is 10,000 light years away, the radio signals sent from Earth will take 10,000 years to get there. Their signals they send in response to us will take another 10,000 years to get to Earth! 

That is only if they can decipher our signals and figure out where they came from. 

That's a long time to wait for a response from aliens. In 20,000 years, when their signals for their response reaches us, human life might not longer exist.

I think that it's highly unlikely that we are the only intelligent life in the Universe.

Even if intelligent life does exist in the Universe, we will never be able to see the aliens through a telescope, not even with the Hubble or James Webb Telescopes. Theoretically, to see aliens 10,000 light years away, we would need a telescope bigger than the Sun. 

With a telescope that size, the aliens would only look like dots about the size of Ants. That's if they were the size of an avg human, 5.5 Feet tall. The image we saw through the scope would be of what the planet and aliens looked like 10,000 years ago.

If we wanted to see a much larger image of the aliens, we'd have to have a telescope about 3-5 times larger than the Sun! Then, maybe we could see a good image of what those aliens looked like 10,000 years ago. We would not get to see what they look like today.

Dinosaurs died off 65 Million years ago. So, if aliens live 65 Million light years away, if they looked at Earth through a powerful telescope, they would not see Humans, they would see Dinosaurs on Earth.

Humans have been reporting UFO and alien sightings for Millions of years. 

(The oldest Human remains that have been found were 7 Million years old.)

People all around the world, who have never met each other have reported alien sightings and abductions for a long time and most of their descriptions of aliens match almost exactly!

There are pictures of aliens and UFOS on the walls of the pyramids. Nobody knows how the Pyramids were built 5,000 years ago. Humans today can't recreate Pyramids exactly like they were made 5,000 years ago. Maybe they had help from aliens.

We have Crop Circles. Humans try to take credit for them. They say they made them for a joke. But, not likely. Because, there's no evidence of humans having been there and they pop up over night. They are also too perfect for humans to of made.

There are no foot prints, no tire tracks, no trash, like cigarette butts, lint from human clothes, human blood, paper, candy wrappers or any other human trash.

The circles are almost perfect 360 degree circles. Humans can't make a perfect crop circle. The corn or where stalks are not broken. The dirt below the circle is magnetized or has some other type of radiation coming off it.

Somebody is abducting Humans and Cows. They return the Cows and they appear to have been cut open with a laser. Humans aren't doing that.

The list goes on and on for why I believe there has to be life elsewhere in the Universe. I believe there's probably more than a Quintillion other planets with life in the Universe. Half of them with intelligent life the rest with unintelligent life.