Sunday, April 19, 2020

Say goodbye to stick shift vehicles!

It Is about damn time they start getting rid of that damn, useless stick shift bulls**t! It's old, outdated technology! Nobody even cares about them anymore!
I have always hated those worthless, stupid things!
They don't get better gas mileage than automatics. They used to, but, not anymore! Automatics are getting much better mileage than manuals now!
You don't have more control over a manual than automatics! That's a big myth! I have less control over a stick than an auto.
There's too many things to concentrate on when driving the stupid things. You must concentrate on your speed, timing, hitting the clutch and shifting and getting the timing on that right.
There's no valid excuse to continue making them anymore!
Soon, they will be much more expensive.
You already have to special order them from the manufacturer now anyway. That makes them more expensive and not worth it.
I personally hate them. They are too hard to drive! Waste of time. They ALWAYS cause me too many problems! The transmission and clutch have broken too many times on me!
Millenials can't drive them. That makes them obsolete and pointless.
Just keep things simple: You hit the gas and the vehicle goes! Shifting is an unnecessary waste of time!
Several Trucking companies already have 100% or at least 99% automatic transmission vehicles.
The US ARMY now has only,100% automatic vehicles. Except some vehicles, like old Jeeps left over from Vietnam. They rarely ever use them! The US military does not teach people how to drive stick shifts anymore, that's a total waste of time!
I don't know why anyone even wants to drive the stupid things anymore! There's no point in driving them anymore!
The automatic transmission was invented in the 1930s. My grandparents were around then. They were just little kids at that time.
Now, for the jackasses who still insist on getting those stupid things, you can spend extra money on an Automated transmission. They have the best features of both automatic and stick. There is no clutch. You just hit the gear shifter on the steering wheel. It's still a pointless, waste of time and it's more expensive. But, it's easier to drive than a stick shift. Even these will soon disappear! They will quit making them soon after they quit making manuals!
For people who are Autistic, they are very hard to drive! They require too much multitasking! Autistics usually are not good at multitasking. They are dangerous for those people to drive!
There's only Two places where stick shifts belong: In the junkyard and in the ancient history museum, setting right next to the horse and buggy!