Friday, July 6, 2018

TV infomercials:

All infomercials are stupid! They are a waste of time and money. Everything on them is a cheap gimmick that's not worth anything. It will break probably by the third time you use it!
That's why, when I'm in a store and I see something that says: "As seen on TV on the box, I stay away from it!
I have bought three things in my entire life from Walmart that said As seen on TV on them. I thought, "Well, if they showed this on TV, it's got to be good."
I brought them home and 1st, they weren't as easy to use as they said on the box or on TV.
2. They didn't do "EXACTLY" what they promised to do. They came close, but, not exactly what they promised to do. In fact, sometimes they came barely close enough to where you wouldn't be able to sue them! The company would win the law suit if you did try to sue.
3. They broke very quickly. It will work fine the first 3 Times, but, the 4th time, it will break!
4. It is basically false advertising and they use some stupid, loud mouth idiot like Billy Mays getting people's attention and getting them excited about a piece of junk.
5. If they have to show the stupid infomercials at 0300 in the morning, when most people aren't even awake to see it anyway, you know there's something wrong with that!
It's cheaper to show things on TV after Midnight, especially at 3:00 AM, when very few people are going to see it anyway.
6. When they show stupid, cheap things on TV on a dumb infomercial, that ruins things for anything good that someone may show on TV.
Yes, there a lot of good things in this world. But, with the bad reputation that infomercials have, I don't care what they put on an infomercial, I don't trust it at all and I won't buy it!
Those infomercials have a paradoxical affect on things. They show something on there to get people to trust it, make us think that it will be something good and convince us that we actually NEED this piece of junk that they are advertising. But, when we see it on a TV, infomercial, we actually have less trust in the product! Just because it was advertised on an infomercial with a loud mouth like Willy Maze trying to sell it!
7. They have a bunch of "Customers" who have bought the product that is being advertised and they are all saying it works really well and they love it!
You don't know anything about the people on there. Maybe they did try the product out and maybe they did like it, but, maybe they didn't like it and they are just saying they liked it.
Maybe they haven't tried this thing out at all. They might even be paid actors!
Think of it this way: If I offer to pay you $25,000 or  $500,000 you will get on TV and say anything I want you to say! If you know nothing about something I want to sell or if you tried it but did not like it, you will still get on TV, radio, newspapers and anywhere else I hire you to go and you will say anything I want you to say, just so you will get the money!
I would probably do it to, if someone paid me enough money.
8. Most of this stuff looks like it could be made out of good quality materials, but, they are only charging $19.99.
If it were made out of good quality materials that would last a long time, they would be charging three or even ten times more than what they want for it.
9. They often say, "If you call within the next Ten minutes, we'll double the offer, you won't get one, but, Two of these stupid things at no extra charge! You just pay the shipping.
When they double the order for "FREE", they still have to get the money for the second item that they give you for free somehow.
Now, you are actually paying $10.00 each for these things. It probably costs the company $1.00 to make this piece of junk! If they pay the company advertising it $1.00 for each one they sell, they are still making $18.00 on each one if they don't give the customer an extra one free. $8.00 on the ones People bought "within the next Ten minutes". Because, they gave them a freebie.
If they want you to buy something in a hurry, in the next Ten minutes, for example, that doesn't give you enough time to think about it before you buy. If they want you to just buy something really fast, it's probably a scam!

When you see something advertised like this on TV, they will always try to make it sound too good to be true. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is not as good as people say it is!
Think before you buy something you see on TV, newspapers or the Internet!
Never buy something directly off a TV infomercial!
Ask a few trusted friends or relatives about things you see on TV. More than like, someone you know, knows someone that knows someone else who has bought it already. They can give you an honest review on the product.
Read some online reviews or check with the Better Business Bureau, and Attorney General's office for complaints about the product, the company that makes it and the person advertising it before you buy the product.
The things I bought that said: "As seen on TV" on them, I didn't buy them from the company advertising them on TV, I don't even watch those infomercials. I found them at Walmart. I was able to open the box and look at the items first. Otherwise I would of never bought them in the first place.
If you have a bad feeling about something you see on TV or anywhere else, trust your instincts and either don't buy it at all or at least investigate it first!

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