Sunday, October 6, 2019

Fidget Spinners.

Fidget spinners were invented as both a fun toy for children and adults and for people with Autism, ADHD and similar disorders. If people with ADHD or Autism get annoyed, frustrated or distracted or have a meltdown, they can use a Fidget Spinner to help themself calm down.
However, I have both: ADHD and Asperger's (A form of high functioning Autism). Fidget Spinners don't really help calm me down. It doesn't help me pay attention either. If anything, it can be more distracting for me if I already am distracted.
The lady who invented the Fidget Spinner, Catherine Hettinger, was broke one day and she couldn't afford the $400 renewal fee on her Patent. So she sold the patent for a very low price. It was only about $300 or less! That was a big mistake! As popular as they are now, people all over the world are buying Millions of them! The person who bought the patent is a Millionaire. Imagine if you owned the Patent and you made $1 off each one that was sold. If you sold 10,000,000 of them, that's a lot of money! 
Catherine Hettinger actually invented the Fidget Spinner in the 1980s as a toy for children. Then, she noticed it has the ability to calm people down. After she sold the Patent and noticed how successful it became, she was not disappointed, but really excited to see her invention doing so well.
Some schools in the US and Europe have banned them in school. However some children get a note from either a Doctor or Psychologist, saying they have a disorder such like Autism or ADHD and Teachers need to allow them to use a Fidget Spinner in class. 
For some people, they can be very helpful if they are Autistic and they have a meltdown. But, not only do people with ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders use them, but, these days, almost everybody has a Fidget Spinner, just for fun. You could probably also use them for a Physics experiment to see how fast it can spin.

One day, I had my cellphone setting on a table and a Fidget Spinner setting right next to it. I thought, "OMG!" That gives me an idea! I am going to be a Millionaire in less than a week!"
I was really excited. Because, I had just invented the: "FIDGETPHONE"! 
I was going to combine the cellphone and Fidget Spinner together!
Unfortunately, it didn't turn out that way! Because, I was all ready to draw my plans out on paper, then buy a cellphone, drill a hole in it and put a spinner in the hole, just for the concept. Then, I'd have to make a cellphone the same size as a Fidget Spinner.
Then I was going to take it into the nearest Patent office and file a Patent under my name for the Fidgetphone.
(Actually to file a Patent on something, you don't have to make the item that you want to patent. All you have to do is draw your plans for your invention on paper and take it to the Patent office. You can probably even file a Patent online.)
But, just before I drew it out on paper, I Googled "Fidgetphone" to see if someone else had already invented it. Then, I wouldn't even waste my time and money filing the Patent.
You can imagine how disappointed I was to find out that some jackass over in China had already invented what he calls the:
"Fidget spinners/cellphone"! I was so p***** off, I almost had to use my Fidget Spinner to calm down! LOL. That ruined another idea I had for an invention!
Another idea I had for an invention was a "Cellphone/stun gun". But, that had already been invented as well.
Anyway, I figured, "I might as well buy one, just because of the fact that I did invent it."
So I got a Fidget Spinner/Cellphone and a cellphone stun gun on EBay. The phone actually works on the Fidget Spinner phone, but not on the stun gun. 

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