Friday, December 6, 2019

Things to do when you get high.

(Only do this stuff where Marijuana is legal!)

Watch YouTube videos that say: "Watch while high".
Drink beer. (Don't drink so much that you get drunk! I know from other people's experiences that being drunk and high at the same time is not very fun!)
Go to public places, like the mall, school or Time Square in in NYC.
Go to the bar and hang out with your friends.
Meet women (or men). Marijuana makes you more relaxed, better and much quicker than alcohol. It also makes some people more talkative.
Pet a cat or dog.
Talk to people, but, pretend you are not high.
Try doing a "Field Sobriety Test". The tests the police give you when they suspect you're driving drunk. Walk a straight line. Stand on one foot. Say the alphabet. Touch your nose. Etc.
Tell jokes.
Pull pranks on people.
Apply for a job online. Or go to a job interview. JUST KIDDING! DON'T DO THIS!!!
Smoke more weed (or Crack).
Video tape yourself while high. Watch the tape the next day. Laugh at yourself and then, DESTROY THE TAPE AND THROW IT AWAY!!! Because, if you don't, someone might find the tape and use it against you in some way! They could blackmail you or just put it on YouTube, use it as evidence against you in court, etc.
Listen to your favorite music (It sounds a little different when your high).
Watch: Live PD and Cops. (Both of those TV shows will probably scare the hell out of you if you watch them high. Just because they show police).
Watch "To Catch a Predator" (Watching that show is funnier and more entertaining when  you are high. It is also scary, because it shows police arresting people and weird child molesters walking into a strange house and meeting Chris Hansen. You can watch old episodes of the show on YouTube.).
Give prank calls (I certainly don't seriously recommend giving prank calls, because it's illegal. But, if you choose to do it, don't blame me! Because, I said, don't do it)!
Play Bloody Mary (Go in a dark room with a mirror. Shut the lights off. Stand in front of the mirror. Close your eyes. Spin around Three (3) times and say, "Bloody Mary" each time you spin around. Face the mirror and open your eyes. If you see Bloody Mary in the mirror, freeze, DON'T MOVE! You have to wait until she disappears. If you move while you see her in the mirror, she will slash your throat and kill you!!!! She is very mean! It might take a few seconds before she disappears or it could take all night!
(Playing Bloody Mary would probably be even scarier than watching Live PD or Cops.)
Drink lots of water, eat chocolate and munch on non-fattening foods (You will get the munchies and you will get cotton mouth, you'll be extremely thirsty. Marijuana  makes some people crave Chocolate).
Look at the stars in the sky (Don't use a Telescope! Because, you may be really clumsy and knock the Telescope over and break it! If you have an expensive Telescope, you don't want to take that risk!).
Sleep (Marijuana helps some people sleep. It causes other people problems sleeping. I know somebody who said they woke up screaming and terrified, because they had horrible nightmares after smoking weed!)
Watch a movie. (There are some specific, crazy movies that are good to watch while high, including: The Matrix, Wizard of OZ, Friday the 13th 3-D, Alice in Wonderland and Don't be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood are just a few examples).
Write anything you can think of. Just random thoughts (Write One full page. Then, check out what you wrote the next day, when you're sober. Some people have fun reading all the crazy, weird Things they wrote and seeing how sloppy their writing was the next day).
Read a book (It will probably take you about Ten minutes to read Two paragraphs! Then, you won't remember anything you read Two minutes later! You don't have a good short term memory when you're high. You also won't be able to concentrate on reading for very long. I don't know why weed is approved to treat ADHD.)
Go for a walk (Be careful if you walk down the road or sidewalk. Because, the police might see you or you might walk out into traffic. It might be safer to walk through parking lots or through the woods and staying away from the road.)
Do Pushups, sit ups or other basic, simple exercises (Nothing to strenuous, like lifting weights or running).
Put on camouflage, go out to the woods and play Army (War games). Just, don't use any real guns!
Order Pizza or other food delivery. ( Either order food for yourself or order delivery for your neighbors. You sit in front of your window and watch the pizza delivery driver try to deliver the pizza to your neighbors and laugh at their reaction!)
Check out all the ugly girls and see if they actually start to look good.
Go to a fast food drive through. Order food, a rum and Coke and water. Tell them you have the munchies and cotton mouth. Tell them you want this order to go (not for dine in). Ask if you can buy some more Marijuana. Then drive away laughing!

Things you should NOT do while high:
Drive a car!
Ride a bike.
Ride a skateboard.
Go surfing.
Shoot a gun.
Hang around with people you don't like.
Go to work or school.
Do homework assignments for school.
Type anything at all on: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram or similar sites.
Go shopping for groceries, clothes, cars, gold jewelry or anything, especially nothing expensive! This includes: Not going to the store and don't get on EBay or other, similar sites.
Just plain stay off the Internet period when you're high or drunk.
Play Football, Baseball or other sports. (Playing any sports or cheerleading would be very dangerous and you might end up in the hospital or dead!)
Ride a Horse or motorcycle.
Vote. (If you are a Republican, you might get crazy and vote for Tea Party, Democrat or Libertarian.)
Practice Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Kung Fu or other martial arts. That would be really dangerous.
Go to the police station and talk to the cops.
Lift weights (Very dangerous).
Build a house. (You'd hit your fingers with the hammer more than you'd hit the nails!)
Science experiments. (I wonder what would happen if I mix these Three chemicals together? Boom!)
Don't do anything illegal or dangerous.

Most importantly, if you have serious problems, call 911! MOST OF THE TIME, Doctors, Paramedics, Nurses and everyone else that works in the hospital and ambulance are not allowed to tell anyone about your medical condition, any drugs you've taken or anything else, they can't even tell the police in most situations. They can usually, only tell someone about your medical condition with your written permission or a court order. That is the law in the US. The law is called: HIPPA.

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