Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Music (Autism movie) review:

 MUSIC (Autism movie) review:

I saw the movie: Music today. I had to see it, because it is about Autism and it was very controversial.

It stars: Maddie Ziegler. She plays the part of an autistic girl named Music.

Directed and co-written by: Sia Furler, an Australian singer, songwriter and movie maker.

The movie was based on an autistic boy that the 

Writer/Director (Sia) knew.

It's about Two Sisters: Music and Kazoo.

Music is severely Autistic.

Kazoo is a recovering alcoholic.

Kazoo takes care of her Sister, Music. 

Music is nonverbal- she can speak, but, she is too shy to do so. She uses a "Talker" (A device that looks like a miniature IPad. It has pictures on it, you touch the picture of what you want to say and the device says the word).

Music sticks to a routine. Most autistics do that. Every morning, she wants someone to braid her hair and cook her some Eggs. Then she goes out for a walk. She doesn't like it when she can't stick to her routine. If she can't stick to her routine, she gets stressed out. That can cause a minor meltdown.

Kazoo, Music's Sister, is a Singer, Dancer and performer. She takes care of Music the best she can.

A lot of people on the Autism Spectrum were offended by the movie before it was even released. Myself, I didn't find the movie offensive, just a little weird.

Some things that autistic people have complained about were:

Maddie Ziegler is not autistic in real life. A lot of autistics have complained about that. They think that they should have used an actor who really is autistic.

I cannot complain about that. Because, Dustin Hoffman (Rain Man) and Dakota Fanning (Please Stand By) are not autistic either and they both did a really good job pretending they were autistic in those movies. (Those are my Two favorite Autism movies.)

Another big complaint the Autism community had about the movie is that it doesn't give a very accurate representation of people who are autistic. 

Yes, there are some people who are severely autistic and they act like Music does, but, most of us are not like that.

One more thing that really bothers people on the Autism spectrum was the way they responded to Music when she had a meltdown. They physically restrained her and took her down to the ground and held her down until she calmed down. (PLEASE DON'T DO THAT TO SOMEONE WHO IS AUTISTIC!!! It might do more harm than good! Some autistic people don't like it when people touch them!)

The movie was nominated for several awards. 

Most autistics who have seen the movie and reviewed it, including me, have said, "I don't think it deserves an academy award."

Overall, I think the movie is worth seeing. Especially if you are interested in Autism.

It's not the best Autism movie I've ever seen. However, I will give it a rating of: 3 out of 5 stars.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Some Scientists think it,s impossible for life to exist anywhere else in the Cosmos. I disagree.


I disagree. This is why:

There's more than 

1 TRILLION galaxies in the known Universe. That is according to a guesstimate by Scientists.

Only One percent of everything in the Universe is in galaxies. Everything else is just in open space.

The Milky Way Galaxy, in which we live, is only about 100,000 light years wide. It's not very big compared to a lot of others. We have approximately 200 Billion stars in our galaxy alone. Most stars have at least One planet around them. 

Using the "Drake Equation" each Scientist uses their own guess of numbers of how many planets may be in our galaxy, how many may have life, how many of the planets with life have intelligent life, etc.

Most Scientists say there's probably between 2 to 100 planets with life in the Milky Way Galaxy. Most Scientists say between 2-4 planets. My own guess is 2 or 3. Earth is one of them that I include in my guess. So, I guess 1 or 2 other planets have life in our galaxy. 

We will never know, for sure, all we can do is guess.

Now, take your guess of whatever you come up with, in my case, 3 and multiply it by 1 Trillion galaxies. Three Trillion planets with life in galaxies.

Now, remember that 99% of everything is in open space, not in galaxies. Add any number you want to that for planets in open space that may have life.

I will add another 

1 Quintillion planets in open space with life.


Most of those planets won't have intelligent life. They might have microscopic, single cell bacteria that live in an environment of Methane, Ammonia and other gasses that are poisonous to humans and the planet might be -500° below Zero F! But, it is still life.

There's probably only 5 percent or less of those planets with life that have intelligent life and have radio telescopes that can send and receive signals and can communicate with us.

The closest star to Earth, besides the Sun, is: Proxima Centauri. It's about 4.2 light years away. Most other stars are Thousands or Millions of light years away! One light year equals 5.878 Trillion miles.

If the nearest star with a planet that has intelligent life listening to our radio signals is 10,000 light years away, the radio signals sent from Earth will take 10,000 years to get there. Their signals they send in response to us will take another 10,000 years to get to Earth! 

That is only if they can decipher our signals and figure out where they came from. 

That's a long time to wait for a response from aliens. In 20,000 years, when their signals for their response reaches us, human life might not longer exist.

I think that it's highly unlikely that we are the only intelligent life in the Universe.

Even if intelligent life does exist in the Universe, we will never be able to see the aliens through a telescope, not even with the Hubble or James Webb Telescopes. Theoretically, to see aliens 10,000 light years away, we would need a telescope bigger than the Sun. 

With a telescope that size, the aliens would only look like dots about the size of Ants. That's if they were the size of an avg human, 5.5 Feet tall. The image we saw through the scope would be of what the planet and aliens looked like 10,000 years ago.

If we wanted to see a much larger image of the aliens, we'd have to have a telescope about 3-5 times larger than the Sun! Then, maybe we could see a good image of what those aliens looked like 10,000 years ago. We would not get to see what they look like today.

Dinosaurs died off 65 Million years ago. So, if aliens live 65 Million light years away, if they looked at Earth through a powerful telescope, they would not see Humans, they would see Dinosaurs on Earth.

Humans have been reporting UFO and alien sightings for Millions of years. 

(The oldest Human remains that have been found were 7 Million years old.)

People all around the world, who have never met each other have reported alien sightings and abductions for a long time and most of their descriptions of aliens match almost exactly!

There are pictures of aliens and UFOS on the walls of the pyramids. Nobody knows how the Pyramids were built 5,000 years ago. Humans today can't recreate Pyramids exactly like they were made 5,000 years ago. Maybe they had help from aliens.

We have Crop Circles. Humans try to take credit for them. They say they made them for a joke. But, not likely. Because, there's no evidence of humans having been there and they pop up over night. They are also too perfect for humans to of made.

There are no foot prints, no tire tracks, no trash, like cigarette butts, lint from human clothes, human blood, paper, candy wrappers or any other human trash.

The circles are almost perfect 360 degree circles. Humans can't make a perfect crop circle. The corn or where stalks are not broken. The dirt below the circle is magnetized or has some other type of radiation coming off it.

Somebody is abducting Humans and Cows. They return the Cows and they appear to have been cut open with a laser. Humans aren't doing that.

The list goes on and on for why I believe there has to be life elsewhere in the Universe. I believe there's probably more than a Quintillion other planets with life in the Universe. Half of them with intelligent life the rest with unintelligent life.

Friday, September 25, 2020

My experience with Medical Marijuana.

I use Indica and hybrid. The Doctor told me to avoid Sativa, because I have anxiety.

Marijuana is not approved for Asperger's and Autism. However, it is approved for some symptoms of Autism.

I have Asperger's, PTSD, ADHD and back pain. Marijuana works for almost all of that.

Weed is approved to treat ADHD, I don't know why, because, it doesn't help me pay attention, I loose my short term memory, I can't concentrate on reading or writing and as soon as I read something, I forget what I read within a few minutes and it just doesn't help me with ADHD, but, it is approved for it.

Weed does ease my back pain, helps me calm down after a meltdown, helps with PTSD and other things.

Marijuana often gives me the urge to laugh.

It helps some people sleep. It is approved for Insomnia. I can't use it for sleep. Because, every time I fall asleep after using Marijuana, it has caused me really horrible nightmares and I woke up screaming!

Someone in a dispensary told me I should try a different strand of Marijuana, because, different strands have different affects on different people. Maybe the strands I've tried cause nightmares for me. For other people, the same strands might not give them any problems sleeping.

When I use weed, it gives me the munchies. I crave Chocolate (I'm allergic to Milk and Lactose). I can have a little bit of lactose and not get sick or get dairy free Chocolate.

It makes me a little more social when other people are around. Because of my Asperger's, I am usually quite shy and have trouble communicating with people. It does help a little with that, but, not as much as alcohol helps.

One time I was using Marijuana and drinking a lot of beer and Mike's Hard Lemonade. I got extremely drunk and high as a kite at the same time. That was not fun for me. However, some other people enjoy the feeling of being high and drunk at the same time. It was actually the second time in my life that I had used weed and got high. I live in an apt and one of my neighbors who used to be into illegal drugs, saw me outside all messed up on weed and beer. He brought me inside, gave me some food and had me wait a few hours until the weed started to wear off. (Fortunately, my neighbor doesn't use illegal drugs anymore.)

Some strands of Marijuana are more expensive than others. You can get some for 

$8/gram and another type will cost $20/gram. One Gram equals One regular size joint.

I usually take 6 good size hits of a joint each time I use it and a few small hits which I don't hold in my lungs as long as the others. One joint usually lasts me about 3 days. Sometimes it will last Two and a half days. By that, I mean: Two nights I get 6 good hits and the Third night, I only get 3 good hits and the joint is gone. I just have to light up another one.

I have infused Butter and cooking oil with Cannabis distillate. I made cookies with the butter and Brownies with the oil. The Brownies turned out really good, but, the Cookies didn't turn out so well.

I also cooked: Eggs, Sausage and fried Potatoes with Cannabis infused cooking oil. That turned out good to. With edibles, such as Brownies and Eggs and Potatoes, it will take between One to Two hrs to fully take affect. Usually, it hits me hard after an HR and a half.

You will start to feel the affects of edibles in about 45 minutes, then, it will slowly get stronger and it will hit you hard in an HR and a half to Two hrs. However, it will be different for each person, depending on: Their experience with weed, how many times have they used it, what strand they use, if they are drinking alcohol or caffeine with it, if they are taking any other medications or illegal drugs with it, etc.

There are a lot of YouTube videos on how to infuse butter and cooking oil with Cannabis. I use distillate, it comes in a small syringe.

Get a double boiler or use a strong, glass measuring cup and a metal pot, put the measuring cup in the pot. Put about 3 inches of water in the pot, around the measuring cup. Put butter or oil in the cup. Put whatever amount of distillate you want in the cup with the butter or oil. Boiler it for an hour. You may have to add more water, because most of it will boil off.

Stir the butter or oil every 10 minutes for an hour. Now it's ready to use.

If you use butter, you can use it right away or, put it in a dish and freeze it until it hardens up to solid butter.

With oil, pour it back into the bottle it came out of. Don't mix it with non-infused oil or butter.

When you are boiling and infusing oil or butter, measure it out to the exact amount you need, for example, a Cup, then add just a little bit more, not much. But, that will ensure that you have the amount you need, since some will evaporate while cooking.

Take the amount of Brownies, Cookies or whatever you are making and divide the amount of THC you used. That will equal the amount of THC in each one. For instance, if you used 100 Mg of THC and made 10 Brownies, that means each brownie will contain 10 Mg of Marijuana. That's not a lot of THC. It wouldn't help me very much. I like to have at least 20 Mg brownies.

Edibles usually last longer than smoking it.

According to Doctors and other experts, Marijuana itself won't kill you. But, you can still get Lung cancer from smoking it. Weed may also interact with other medications you may be taking. Talk to your Doctor first. 

I was taking medication (Amphetamines) for ADHD. But, I told my Psychiatrist that I use Medical Marijuana and she took me off the Amphetamines.

Sorry about the mile long post, but, that's my experience with Medical Marijuana.

Friday, May 22, 2020



In this story, I am trying to answer the question of: WHAT IF you could read minds. Put yourself in the position of the main character, whom I named Chris. Because, it is both a male and female name.
Here's some of things that would probably happen if you could read people's minds:
You go shopping at Walmart. The first person you see is an old man. He is thinking, "You are really ugly!"
You don't let that bother you. You just continue shopping.
As you continue walking around, you see somebody that you find very attractive. You start to wonder what they think about you. As you read their mind, you are disappointed, because, they think you are funny looking!
You don't let that bother you too much. You just go on to the next aisle and mind your business.
Chris soon runs into another man that he knows, but, you don't know what they think of you.
Reading their mind, you find out what he really thinks of you. You are horrified to find out what he is thinking, "You are a dork and an asshole! I hate you! I want to shoot you so badly!"
Horrified, Chris runs away to another part of the store.
You spot a nice looking person in the next aisle. So you focus your eyes on their forehead and squint, activating your ability to read minds. This is a total stranger that you've never seen before.
They were thinking, "I don't know you. But, you're ugly and you look like an idiot! Your clothes look dorky. I hate you!
As you continue walking through the store, you see somebody that you find attractive. Focusing all your attention on them, you think, "I hope s/he finds me attractive to."
As you read their mind, you are in luck, they are thinking the same thing about you! They are thinking, "S/he is very attractive. I want to get to know you! I want to date you!"
Wasting no time, Chris quickly approaches that person and gives them a kiss. Then asks them out on a date.
Chris continued walking until you see another person. This guy is thinking some very nasty thoughts! You want to say, "Hay, you are sexually harassing me!"
Then you think, "He never verbally said anything that he was thinking, so I can't do anything about it. I can't sue or anything."
Chris moves on to the beer aisle. You want to pick up a case of Corona. You proceed down the aisle and you see Five people. All but One of them are wearing facemasks. You then realize that you forgot your mask at home and you are really taking a chance that you might get the virus with the same name as the beer you intend to buy!
Reading the mind of the One guy in the beer aisle who is not wearing a mask, You find out that he does have the Coronavirus and he is trying to spread the virus to everyone he can!
You abandon your shopping cart and run as fast as you can. As you're running away from this guy, you yell as loud as you can so everyone can hear you, "This guy has the Coronavirus! Stay away from him! Ahhhhhh!!!"
Ten minutes later, you go back to retrieve your cart.
Continuing to walk through the store, Chris sees another guy, reading this guys mind, you notice that he is thinking of a really funny joke.
You laugh and tell him, "That is a really hilarious joke!"
The guy gives you a funny look and asks you how you knew he was even thinking about a joke?
You just say, "I don't know, just a lucky guess." Then you walk away.
A person of your same gender walks by you, they smile and give you googly eyes.
They are thinking nasty, homosexual thoughts about you!
Chris gets really offended. You say, "You sick ******* ******! I am not gay!"
Then you punch the idiot in the head!
Continuing through the store, you notice the next person is not thinking about you at all. They are looking for a specific item in the store.
Chris says, "That is in aisle 12, on the Right side, top shelf."
That person, asks you how you knew what they were looking for. Did you read my mind?
You laugh and walk away, saying nothing.
Walking around the toy aisle, you see a little kid crying. Reading the kid's mind was not good. She is thinking, "OMG, the Doctor just told me, I have terminal cancer and I only have One month left to live!
Chris gives her a hug and says, "I am sorry to hear about your medical condition."
The Tenth person Chris sees is thinking, "I hate my job! They treat me bad and they don't pay me enough!"
Chris hands them a piece of paper with a friend's name and number on it.
You say, "Call my friend. He will hire you. Put me down as a reference. Have a nice day."
Chris goes and pays for their groceries and walks out into the parking lot.
While walking to your car, you a guy you know. He is an executive at Microsoft.
He was thinking, "Tomorrow, Microsoft stock is going to go up to $1,500 per share! I can't tell anyone till tomorrow. Today, it is only $100/share.
Immediately after leaving Walmart, Chris goes out and buys 10,000 shares of Microsoft. You sell them the next day, for $1,500 each!
Another guy you see in the parking lot is thinking, "I am going to set a world record for being the first human to ever jump out of a plane from 35,000 ft with no parachute!"
Chris is horrified and quickly talks the guy out of it.
A woman walks by Chris and she is thinking about some problems she has that are similar to some problems that you have.
Chris gives her a hug and says, "It will be OK. Let me help you. I have the same problems."
Two guys in Red jackets with the word, "Bloods on them are thinking, "We are going to attack the Crips and start a big gang war!"
Chris calls the police and reports the gangsters. Then you go tell the Crips what the Bloods were thinking.
You prevented the incident, before it ever happened.
The next guy is wearing a business suit. He was thinking, "I just got a new safe, the combination is: 1-2-3. I have
$10 Million in the safe."
You are extremely tempted, but, decide not to steal the money.
Chris went home and planned a trip to Las Vegas.
The next week, when you get to Vegas, Chris plays Poker. Reading people's mind here is fun. You know all the cards everyone else has because, you read their minds. You manage to win every game. At the end of the day, you leave the casino with over $100 Million.
People start to get suspicious of Chris. They suspect you might be a witch, Maybe you're Clairvoyant, you are a time traveler from the future, psychic or an alien from another galaxy.
Chris gets famous really fast. You are shown on international news. People write books and make 5 movies about you.
Doctors and Psychologists examine you. But, they can't figure out how you can read minds.
When the FBI finds out about you, you're arrested and then questioned about some crimes they suspect you may have committed. But, at the end of the day, you are released with no charges.
The FBI hires you to help them solve crime.
Next week, Chris signs up for some college classes.
Chris gets a 4.0 in every class, because, you could read the Professor's mind. You already knew all the answers to every test, before the class even started!
A few weeks later, Chris' magic power wears off and you become a normal person and live happily ever after. the end.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Moon.


Orbit is: 27.32 days
Diameter: 2,159.2 Miles (3,475 Kilometers)
Perigee (its closest approach) the moon comes as close as 225,623 miles (363,104 kilometers). Apogee  (the farthest away it gets) the moon is 252,088 miles (405,696 km) from Earth. The average distance from Earth to the moon is about 238,855 miles (384,400 km).
Lunar Phase Period; 29.5 days.
Orbital speed around Earth: 2,288 Miles Per Hour (3,683 Kilometers Per Hour).
It has about 16.6% of Earth's gravitational force.
Escape Velocity: 1.47 Miles/second (2.38 K).
The word "Month" comes from MOON.
Luna is the Latin word for Moon.
The second largest crater in our Solar System is at the bottom of our Moon.
Every month, the Moon disappears for a few days. This is called the "New Moon". It happens because the Moon is hidden from the Sun by the Earth.
The Moon does not generate its own light. It reflects the Sun light off of its surface. When the Earth blocks only a small part of the Moon, this causes Lunar Phases, like, Crescent, Half Moon, etc.
(Not only the Moon doesn't produce its own light, but, none of the planet's, moons and other satellites produce light, everything reflects Sunlight. That's what we is Sunlight being reflected off planets, their rings and moons.)
We can't see the American flags on the Moon, because they are too small and too far away to be seen through a telescope.
Because of the sunlight, radiation and the fact that there's no atmosphere on the Moon, the US flags on the Moon have all turned White over the years.
Because there is no atmosphere on the Moon, it's almost a total vacuum. In a vacuum, there is no air, wind or molecules in the air.
Sound does not travel in a vacuum. So, THEORETICALLY, you could stand two inches away from someone and scream as loud as you can directly in their ear and they wouldn't be able to hear you. Again, I say that one is only THEORETICAL! It can't be proven Scientifically and until it is Scientifically proven, it's just a theory.
The Moon is moving away from Earth at approximately 3 Centimetres per year.
Since there's no wind on the Moon, Neil Armstrong's footprints will be there for a really long time. Millions of years.
The strongest influence on our ocean tides is the Moon. Other forces include the Sun's gravity and other forces under the water.
A full Moon does NOT make people go crazy! That is a myth and a superstition. Hollywood only makes it worse by making movies that say the full Moon makes people crazy.
When you see a ring around the Moon, this is usually caused by the Moonlight reflecting off water and ice in the clouds.
The Moon is "Tidally Locked" to the Earth. That means, the same side of the Moon always faces Earth. That's why we can never see the Lunar side of the Moon.
Moon temperature range: Negative  -280 F at night to 260 F during the day.
Only 12 humans have ever walked on the Moon. They were all Americans.
At the Moon's Apogee, you could fit all the planets, including Pluto, in the space between the Earth and the Moon. There would be only a little bit of space left over.
The Earth and Moon were created at around the same time. Since, they are both made out of similar materials, Scientists theorize that a large object may of hit Earth in its molten stage and knocked some material out into space, that material came together and formed the Moon. (That is not proven as fact, it's just the most accepted, Scientific theory.)
Occasionally, Moon rocks fall out into space. Some of them land on the Earth. Most of them are really small and they burn up in the atmosphere. But, if you know how to identify Moon rocks, you might find one in your backyard someday. The easiest and best place to find them is Antarctica. Most rocks from Earth's surface are buried under the snow. A rock on top of the snow probably came from space. (However, civilian's, people who are not Scientists and a few Special, military personnel, are not allowed on the continent of Antarctica. Except for some small areas around the outer perimeter.
You can actually buy an acre of land on the Moon. It would be One acre of the "Sea of Tranquility". I don't know why anyone would want to do it, because you can't actually go there and see the land that you bought. 

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Say goodbye to stick shift vehicles!

It Is about damn time they start getting rid of that damn, useless stick shift bulls**t! It's old, outdated technology! Nobody even cares about them anymore!
I have always hated those worthless, stupid things!
They don't get better gas mileage than automatics. They used to, but, not anymore! Automatics are getting much better mileage than manuals now!
You don't have more control over a manual than automatics! That's a big myth! I have less control over a stick than an auto.
There's too many things to concentrate on when driving the stupid things. You must concentrate on your speed, timing, hitting the clutch and shifting and getting the timing on that right.
There's no valid excuse to continue making them anymore!
Soon, they will be much more expensive.
You already have to special order them from the manufacturer now anyway. That makes them more expensive and not worth it.
I personally hate them. They are too hard to drive! Waste of time. They ALWAYS cause me too many problems! The transmission and clutch have broken too many times on me!
Millenials can't drive them. That makes them obsolete and pointless.
Just keep things simple: You hit the gas and the vehicle goes! Shifting is an unnecessary waste of time!
Several Trucking companies already have 100% or at least 99% automatic transmission vehicles.
The US ARMY now has only,100% automatic vehicles. Except some vehicles, like old Jeeps left over from Vietnam. They rarely ever use them! The US military does not teach people how to drive stick shifts anymore, that's a total waste of time!
I don't know why anyone even wants to drive the stupid things anymore! There's no point in driving them anymore!
The automatic transmission was invented in the 1930s. My grandparents were around then. They were just little kids at that time.
Now, for the jackasses who still insist on getting those stupid things, you can spend extra money on an Automated transmission. They have the best features of both automatic and stick. There is no clutch. You just hit the gear shifter on the steering wheel. It's still a pointless, waste of time and it's more expensive. But, it's easier to drive than a stick shift. Even these will soon disappear! They will quit making them soon after they quit making manuals!
For people who are Autistic, they are very hard to drive! They require too much multitasking! Autistics usually are not good at multitasking. They are dangerous for those people to drive!
There's only Two places where stick shifts belong: In the junkyard and in the ancient history museum, setting right next to the horse and buggy!

Friday, March 13, 2020

Idioms that Autistic people may not understand:


Children and even some adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders might not understand some of the expressions people use everyday.
One common characteristic of Autism Spectrum Disorders is a tendency to take things literally.
Interpreting things literally has actually helped me understand jokes and even write a few of my own original jokes.
Most people with Asperger's don't understand jokes very well. However, I am an exception. I have always been good at telling and understanding jokes.
If you have an Aspie (Someone with Asperger's) kid, you should avoid using these expressions, because they might not understand them or, worse yet, they could take them literally:
1. Raining cats and dogs.
Pouring rain.
The kid might get confused when they look out the window and they don't see any animals falling out of the sky.
2. This is a "Drill". Or, I am going to "drill" you on Math.
To give someone or a group of people a test.
The kid might think you're going to go to the garage, grab the drill and drill a hole in their head!
3. You hit the nail on the head.
To answer a question perfectly, exactly right.
They may get confused, because they are not using a hammer and pounding a metal nail into wood.
4. You bit off more than you can chew.
Trying to take on too many responsibilities at once.
5. You just opened a big can of worms.
Cause a serious problem.
6. I see the light.
To suddenly understand something you had trouble understanding before.
7. What's up?
It even took me a long time to figure this one out! I now realize it's just some people's way of saying: "Hello, how are you doing?"
That one confused me for a long time! I never knew how to answer that. Then, I listened to how other people responded to it. I learned that, it's not meant to be a question and people don't expect you to answer it. It's just another way to say hello. The only response people expect to that "question" is: Hi, how ya' doin'". They don't expect you to stop and talk most of the time. But, it took me a long time to figure that one out!
8. Stoned.
Meaning: High from drugs.
It took me a while to figure this one out to. I always thought it meant: To throw rocks at someone. Although, I was correct, that is only One definition of the word. The other definition, High, is also correct.
9. I have a "Lead Foot".
To drive a car really fast.
10. "Keep an eye on this".
To watch over and protect something from theft or damage.
An Autistic kid might literally, take the item you want them to guard, pick it up, put it up to their face and hold it against their eyes.
11. Arrest.
To stop something from moving.
If you use this word around an Autistic kid, they might run and hide, because they might think the police are coming to take them to jail!