Saturday, February 24, 2018

Aliens in the Milky way Galaxy.

The Milky Way Galaxy is approximately 100,000 Light Years across. We are are near the far end of one side. If aliens have tried to contact us all the way from the other side and they were 90,000 LY away, their message wouldn't reach us for 90,000 years after the day they sent it. That is only if they used a Radio Telescope like Scientists use here on Earth. That's because radio waves travel at about the speed of light thorough space.
Assuming they are much more intelligent and much more advanced than Humans and they've invented a UFO that can travel ten times the speed of light and they are also able to survive the G Force, it would still take 9,000 years to travel to us.
They could also have a time warp or, better yet, use Einstein's theory of "Bending Time and Space", which is only theoretically possible, where you could bend two points in space and bring them together. Then they would be able to pull our Solar System to wherever they are and just fly across within only a few Seconds! That would be so cool, but highly unlikely.
However, there's also a small chance that they will be less intelligent than us and they can't even figure out how to get off the ground of their own planet. I doubt that though. But, if that were true, or even if they had a big spaceship traveling towards us from 90,000 LY (27,607 Parsec) away, we still wouldn't be able to see them with the world's most powerful Telescope, which is called: "The James Webb Telescope". It will be much more powerful than the Hubble. They haven't even sent it up yet. NASA will launch it up within a few years. I don't know how, unless they get our space program going here again by that time. Otherwise, they will have to contract it out and have either one of the civilian agencies like Space X do it or Russia may have to send it up for the US.
If the aliens are outside of our Galaxy, they will be able to get in the Milky Way to visit us, but it will be extremely difficult for us or them to get out of our Galaxy. Because, the Milky Way is so big, and so strong that, Because of all of its gravity and several other forces of Physics, which I don't understand, you would have to travel about 1.2 Million miles per hour to get out of the Milky Way! That is the Escape Velocity of the Milky Way Galaxy.
If you did get out though, you may have a much easier time getting back in, but, since the spiral arms of the galaxy are rotating pretty fast, the whole galaxy will be flying away from you through space and our entire Solar System is moving through the inside of the galaxy,  if you did get back inside, you would be a long ways away from where you started from and you'd be far away from the Earth. Good luck finding it again!
Personally, I believe aliens have already been here, who do you think built the Pyramids 5,000years ago? As well as Crop Circles and other things.
(BTW, one Parsec is approximately 3.2 Light Years.)


  1. So you think aliens came here just to draw some circles in our crops.

    1. Crop circles are probably one of the main reasons why the aliens are visiting Earth. Those are probably just done either as a joke or as their way of saying hello, we're aliens from a planet 500 Million light years away.
      They don't just draw circles in our crops, they also mutilate Cows, abduct humans, give us new technology from their planet and helped humans build things like the Great Pyramids 5,000 years ago.
