Monday, February 26, 2018

Please Stand By movie.

Over all, the movie was very realistic. Dakota Fanning did a really good job playing the roll of an Autistic girl. She shows a lot of the signs of being Autistic, not giving eye contact, having a few meltdowns, people trying to take advantage of her, she got easily confused, stuck to a routine, etc.
She was a Star Trek fan and she wrote a 400+ page Star Trek script. However, most people who have Autism Spectrum Disorders are not good at wiring. They are also not usually very creative. They are usually very logical. Most Autistic people are very logical and they're usually really good at things like: Math and Science.
There were a few things they did not show in the movie which would of made it a little better like somebody pulling a joke on her and at least one situation where she would have said something, but had no "verbal filter".
People with Autism usually don't understand jokes. If someone would of told her a joke and she would of gotten really confused and not understand that it was a joke and most people would of found the joke funny or, better yet, if she would of taken the joke literally, someone says something for a joke, but she takes it seriously and actually thinks what the other person said was really true so she doesn't laugh. That would have made for a really good scene in the movie.
They did a really good job showing her journey of trying to get to LA to drop off her Star Trek script and having a lot of problems along the way.
The name of the movie comes from what the main character, Wendy (Dakota Fanning), says and what other people say to her when she has a meltdown or when she gets really frustrated. She or someone else says, "Please Stand By, Please Stand By." They say it over and over to help her calm down.
Overall, it was a really good movie. Five stars.
It was realistic enough on some things, that
Anybody that has an Autism Spectrum disorder should definitely see this movie.

Having Asperger's myself, I could really understand this movie.
I mentioned above that most people who have Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are not good at writing, but, they're usually really good at Math and Science. They usually think more logically and they are usually not very creative. Most of them don't understand jokes. They don't understand what makes a joke funny, won't find the humor in it, won't laugh and worst of all, they might take the joke seriously! They definitely are not good at telling jokes. For some strange reason, I've always been just the opposite. I am very creative and I have always been better at writing than I was at Math and Science. In fact, I hate Math! I am also not good at it. I love Science, especially Astronomy. I was never really good in Science classes, but, I've always been interested in it.
For most of my life, I have been good at telling jokes and I've been able to understand them. I have also enjoyed hearing other people tell them. Most of the time I've been able to understand when somebody is telling a joke and most of the time, I didn't take the joke seriously.
People with Asperger's and other ASDs usually have at least one thing they are totally obsessed with. One thing I used to be obsessed with was telling jokes.

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